The Fronius Verto has 4 MPP trackers with 2 inputs each. Module strings of identical length can either be split between the two inputs of an MPP tracker or merged before that and connected to just one input. Please pay attention to the maximum permissible currents per MPP tracker (IDC max, MPPT) and per input (IDC max, string) specified in the data sheet.
The maximum usable input currents IDC max, MPPT and IDC max, string specified in the data sheet may be exceeded without violating the manufacturer's warranty. If these are exceeded, it should be noted that the inverter actively limits the current to the specified value. Accordingly, slight yield losses are to be expected.
The maximum short-circuit current of the module strings must not exceed the values specified in the data sheet for each MPP tracker (Isc pv, MPPT), for each string (Isc pv, string) and for the total short-circuit current (Isc pv, inverter), otherwise the device may be damaged!